Monday 4 June 2012

FRESH RAIN!!!..New Beginning, New Hopes, New Expections, New Nigeria...

I woke up to the sound of thunder and lightning this morning, I looked out my window, and I saw the rain coming down in torrents, obviously on a mission to cleanse the land of some underlying phenomenon that had resulted in so much gloom and doom that the "Elder Chicken"-Bro Jona had decided not to feed his chicks for days which resulted in cries for his head, while his toothless adviser, "Bro Abati" vehemently defends him without properly analyzing the main points of the events that have shaped the volcanic unrest that hit a people that are tired of delegated dictatorship, and would rather we resort back to a system of delegated authority. While the big boys occupying the sit at the United National Organ(U.N.O) speak their words of english, chinese and french, and predict the secession of a people that have been marred by years of ethnic struggle, political strife and war of words.

I choose to believe in a people that will rise above the struggles, a people that will find succour in all this, predictions give her an ultimatum of 2015 to separate, but I choose to find hope in the rain that falls to wash away the tears of the relatives of the Dana Plane crash, and the many calamities that have befallen the country. I choose to believe in a new Nigeria, one that is devoid of political conflicts, one that is not plagued with the likes of Bro Jona and Bro Abati but with men that understand the problems and cries of people. We say that "time heals all wounds", but time in this context is not an aggregate with a defined period, but merely an abstract context that we rely heavily on.
New rain, New Ideas, New Smiles New Dreams, New Nigeria, the Nigeria that our Fore-fathers dreamt about, the Nigeria of our fantasies..

This is all we wish for.......


  1. Its interesting to see things in a different perspective from time to time, but all the factors around us are very discouraging..Nice piece tho, thumbs up..

  2. sorry. this is halfway semantic and halfway sentimental to be an appropriate call or response to the current malaise. be more individualistic.
